Thursday, 7 October 2010

Filming scenes in the dark

After sifiting through the last lessons scenes we began filming the next stage of the filming moving on from the gemeric classroom enviroment seeting and moving onwards with the purpose of today to build up tension and create and portray a feeling of helplessness and to do this we started filming in the dark.

Filming in the dark has always been an effective way ofconvey suspense disillusion brings audience state of confusioin, used in suceesful blockbuster movies such as Saw, Darkness Falls and Silent Hill 
we used one distant light to produce a sort of natural light for the scene in the dark, we also covered the lights on the ceiling and covered the windows as the light outside was too harsh. Because of the time it took to prepare the room to use the for the scenes we could only use film two characters for the scene however we are happy with the footage we collected today.
The next day we hope to have finished filming all the footage that we need for the trailer and, hopefully we should begin the editting of the first draft in two days time.

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