Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Jeremy Thomas?!!

File:Jeremy Thomas TIFF09-portrait.jpg

Our A2 were given a great opportunity to broaden our horizons in terms of learning about film productions from an industry professional. We given the opportunity to talk to Jeremy Thomas first hand in a after school Q&A session. An award winning film producer, who has handled blockbuster films with million dollar budgets is a very successful British film producer and founder of the Recorded Picture Company. He was the producer of Bernardo Bertolucci's The Last Emperor, which won the 1988 Academy Award for Best Picture and in 2006 he received a European Film Award for Outstanding European Achievement in World Cinema.

Aside from our main project, which this obviously has benefited, this chance gave us an insight into industry profession giving us a feel for what to expect in-case we wished to pursue a career in media or for our own personal side projects.
In preparation for this meeting, we had organised a film viewing after school of one of his award  film "The Last Emperor". Watching this will enabled us to see and appreciate the kind of standard and work Jeremy Thomas does and served as inspiration for some of the questions for us to ask him bearing in mind that the time we had with him was limited. Below are a few questions that we asked during the brief Q&A session;

Q1 -"How did you make your first break into the main film industry?"
Q2 -"What makes a successful production?"
Q3 -"Did it take a lot of patience to get the right shots?"
Q4 -"What tips would you give to an aspiring film producer?"

After meeting Jeremy Thomas at the Q&A sessions and showing him our current main text and ancillary texts, we left with some professional advise and tips on how to improve our current medias in order to achieve the a higher grade and deliver a beeter quality of work. From Jeremy Thomas and another group evaluation/overview we decided to improve on the website as well as taking more time into the overall presentation and trying to make it look more professional; this meant improving on the [ in terms of the shots being used, the tempo within the trailer and the 

1 comment:

  1. so what will you ask - why is it beneficial to meet him?

    you've also put up a picture of the CD cover - your group is proving lazy beyond belief.
